Blow the Cobwebs Run 2018 – visit to the ultimate Vincent Collection
Dear AROCA WA club members,
The club is holding its first weekend run of 2018 on February 24 and 25. The route will take us from Perth to Jurien Bay and back to Cervantes for Saturday night, returning to Perth on Sunday.
The attached announcement details the current state of our plans for this weekend and the highlights of this tour.
If you are interested in joining us, please contact Rod Quinn (rod.quinn@wtd.com) and/or Greg Smith (secretaryarocawa1@gmail.com) to let us know you intend to join the trip.
Also, please contact your preferred accommodation choice in Cervantes to make an early accommodation booking for the night of Saturday February 24th.
Looking forward to seeing you on this trip.
Best regards,
Greg Smith
Secretary AROCAWA.
please download the event flyer below.
please download a acritical about Ian Boyd’s collection below
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